Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Japan Envy: Space Invaders Tote Bag

I won't lie: with all the awesome things available in Japan, I think it's going to be pretty easy to make this Japan Envy series a weekly thing! I won't limit myself to a specific day or anything, but rest assured, you'll be seeing a lot more of these in the future.

Today while browsing Twitter I stumbled upon Taito's very own Twitter page and promptly proceeded to follow them (If you're not following me yet, head on over and do so!). Scrolling through their recent tweets lead me to an announcement about their new Space Invaders tote bag.

I have to say, I love this simple yet chic design. I'm a big fan of tote bags, known as "eco bags" in Japan, and the added inside pocket in this design that is alluded to on the bag's website sounds like a nice addition to me. And priced at only ¥500 (more or less $5), it's a steal! Too bad you can only get your hands on one of these puppies by visiting one of many Taito Station arcades in Japan. Curses!

I might just have to convince my host mom to purchase one on my behalf...