Saturday, May 21, 2011

Hydrophobia Prophecy

Hydrophobia Prophecy - 1DVD

System Requirements
Intel Processor -  Core 2 Duo E6540 2.33GHz 
AMD Processor -  Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 5200+
Nvidia Graphics Card -  GeForce GT 240
ATI Graphics Card -  Radeon HD 3850
RAM (Memory) -  2 GB
Hard Disk Space -  8 GB
Direct X -  9

Prejudice Section 8

Prejudice Section 8 - 2DVD
Intel Processor -    Core 2 Duo E4600 2.4GHz   
AMD Processor -  Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 4000+
Nvidia Graphics Card -  GeForce 9800 GTX
ATI Graphics Card -  Radeon HD 4830 512MB
RAM (Memory) -  2 GB
Hard Disk Space -  5.5 GB
Direct X -  9


asistí a un curso de decoración de galletas en La Sorpresa de Clara donde pude confeccionar estas mini obras de arte que hoy os enseño. Me encantó su manera de trabajar... y es que todo lo que hacen es verdaderamente de cuento. Irene y Patricia se desvivieron porque todas pasaramos un día estupendo. Además de ser unas auténticas profesionales, consiguieron que la jornada, a pesar de intensa, se hiciera corta. Os recomiendo cualquiera de sus cursos... yo seguro que repito!!

Aprovecho esta entrada para enseñaros la tarta que confeccioné en el cumpleaños de mi hermana Bea. Y también para dejaros la receta del relleno, porque me parece de elaboración fácil y de resultado exquisito:

-200 gr. queso mascarpone
-100 gr. turrón de Jijona
-5 cucharadas soperas de azúcar glass
-1 cucharada de miel

ELABORACIÓN: se desmiga el turrón en el bol de batidora y se añaden los demás ingredientes. Se bate unos 3 minutos hasta conseguir una textura suave y cremosa. Enfriar en la nevera una hora, y a rellenar la tarta! Está delicioso.

Os recomiendo encarecidamente que no uséis turrón de marca desconocida o de esas que algunos hipermercados casi nos obligan a comprar. Usad uno de marca reconocida y conseguiréis un relleno exquisito.

MUCHÍSIMAS GRACIAS por vuestras visitas y comentarios en entradas anteriores.

GRACIAS también por los premios que me habéis concedido y que aún no he tenido tiempo de publicar ni agradecer.

También quiero pedir DISCULPAS a tod@s l@s blogger@s que sigo porque debido a los problemas que sigo teniendo con mi ordenador, me es imposible escribiros y dejaros comentarios como antes... ¿será que ya toca jubilar el PC?

Un besito para tod@s y hasta la próxima!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Wallpaper Allah n Muhammad Saw

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

BlazBlue Continuum Shift II Box Art Censored in US

Since this has been nagging me for a while now, I figured I might as well post about it. Back when I heard BlazBlue Continuum Shift II was coming out for the 3DS, contrary to some skeptics (aka my husband), I was actually quite excited about it. See, we played the original BlazBlue Calamity Trigger together in the arcades when we were living in Japan, and the series brings back lots of fond memories for me, even though we never ended up purchasing Continuum Shift for the PS3 when it came out. With Continuum Shift II coming out for the 3DS, I figure it'd be killing two birds with one stone since I don't have any particularly enjoyable games for my 3DS yet and I'm long overdue for a new BlazBlue game.

Honestly, I haven't really been keeping track of BlazBlue. I know they added a couple of characters for Continuum Shift, and figured they'd probably add one or two more for this release. Now that I've seen the Japanese box art for the game, I dare say I've seen a little too much of the game's new characters.

Japanese box art with a lovely sleek black logo bar and...
Hm, well, I guess that's cute? I think she's supposed to be a squirrel. I really am not impressed with her clothing design and whoever decided to make her breasts larger than the other characters on the cover. I'd like to see more of the old guy with the seriously pointy beard–I seem to remember he was a vampire buddy of Rachel's in the first game. I have a feeling he'll probably be similar to Guilty Gear's Slayer.

It seems as though I wasn't the only one who was a little displeased by the Japanese cover choice, as the US box art is much more covered up (hah, I can't help it, the bad puns just make themselves).

US box art is a little more tasteful
I have to admit, though I do like the positioning of the characters so that the one girl's barely covered breasts are no longer a focal point of the image, but I actually dislike the American cover as a whole because it seems too cluttered (and I've gotta say, that black 3DS logo is nice). I think I also preferred the BlazBlue logo in the center, rather than to the side. But we can't have everything, right? Which one do you prefer?

BlazBlue Continuum Shift II is coming to the 3DS and PSP on May 31st (pushed back from the 24th) in both Japan and North America

Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II Retribution

Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II Retribution - 1DVD

Publisher: THQ

Developer: Relic Entertainment

Release Date:

Genre: Real-time Strategy

Features: (source:

    * Dawn Of War II: Retribution will offer a campaign for every race, including the new race:
    * The Imperial Guard. Players will be unable to import old campaigns from Dawn of War II and Chaos Rising.

Minimum System Requirements

* OS: Windows XP SP2, Vista or Windows 7
* CPU: Pentium IV 3.2Ghz, or any dual core processor
* RAM: 1GB (XP), 1.5GB (Vista), 1.5 GB (Windows 7)
* HDD: 8.5 GB free disk space
* Graphics: 128 MB Graphics Memory with Shader Model 3
* Sound Card: DirectX 9 Compatible
* DirectX: Version 9.0c

The Witcher 2 - Assasins of Kings

The Witcher 2 - Assasins of Kings - 4DVD
Minimum System Requirements
* OS: Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7
* CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.2 GHz or similar AMD
* RAM: 1 GB (XP) / 2 GB (Vista/7)
* HDD: 8 GB free disk space
* Graphics: 512 MB Graphics Memory Nvidia GF 8800 or similar ATI card
* Sound Card: DirectX 9 Compatible
* DirectX: Version 9.0c

Portal 2

Portal 2
System Requirements* 
Intel Processor -  Pentium 4 3.0GHz
AMD Processor -  Sempron 3600+
Nvidia Graphics Card -  GeForce 315 512MB
ATI Graphics Card -  Radeon HD 3600 Series
RAM (Memory) -  1 GB
Hard Disk Space -  8 GB
Direct X -  9

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Hooked on Animal Kaiser

One of the many neat things about living in Australia is the range of interesting things you see over here that just aren’t available in other Western nations. Even though AU isn’t in the spotlight on the news or in international affairs like the US, it has many perks due to its proximity to East Asia. Because of this, the population is quite ethnically diverse, and all sorts of interesting cuisine, clothing, and technology make their way over here (like MOS Burger, for example!). Animal Kaiser is just that–a Japanese arcade game that has seen relative popularity in many Asian countries, and is even available in New Zealand and Australia, though it is noticeably absent from arcades in the United States and Europe.

Animal Kaiser advertises itself as a card battling arcade game featuring real animals for children ages 4-10 (well, I play too, but I’m young at heart!). Kaiser means king in German, and your goal is exactly that: to become of the animals by defeating all those who should stand in your way. The mechanics of the game are pretty simple, and though you’re meant to start with at least one of each type of card (animal, miracle, and strong), if you don’t have any cards a default setting will be selected for you, making it easy for anyone to pick up. During the battle you and your opponent are given two roulettes, one to choose your attack type and the other to select a number. If the number you select is higher than your opponent’s, you get to attack that turn. It’s quite simple, yet extremely addictive! Each game, whether you win or lose, nets you exactly one new card of random selection; so even after your very first game you can start your collection of upwards to 80 cards available every generation. 

Some of the Animal Kaiser cards we've collected. Notice the bar code on the bottom right–that's how the machines read them
 Each animal card has three different attacks, a strength stat and a health stat, and can be enhanced with the help of a strong card and a miracle card. A strong card will increase the attack power of each of your animal’s three different attacks (guts, technique, and power) to varying degrees depending on the card. Miracle cards influence the power of the special attack available to all animals, aptly named a “miracle attack.” They have a strength stat that will determine the power of the miracle attack, and, if its type is the same as the animal it is paired with, will result in a “perfect match,” causing your animal to be even more powerful. Finally, miracle cards have a special ability attached to them such as lucky break, which, based on its star percentage value, has a chance of aiding your animal in battle.

What really grabbed me about Animal Kaiser was its campiness–here you have two realistic-looking animals (well, apart from the purple lion and the new line of “white knight” albino animals) fighting each other with some of the goofiest-looking attacks and special moves in all sorts of random settings. Think shark vs. vampire bat in the middle of a paved city road, with things like giant hamburgers materializing out of the sky to crush your opponent. Just watching a battle play out is sure to garner a few laughs from anyone who’s never seen it in action (my husband and I are still thoroughly amused by some of the attacks, even after seeing them numerous times).

Shaun giving it a go!
 Unfortunately, Animal Kaiser is the kind of card-based game that can be easily swayed to your advantage if you’re willing to fork out the money to buy certain rare cards on eBay. Though there is an element of chance involved, and certain card combinations require a little foresight to be effective, there is virtually no way a common animal card like the orangutan will win against the ultra-rare Siegfried card (turquoise tiger–I guess special animals are on a first name basis) when playing a real opponent. I have no idea how rare “ultra-rare” cards are, but suffice it to say that my husband and I have played about 50 games so far and we haven’t seen so much as one gold rare pop out of the machine.

Nevertheless, Animal Kaiser is a fun and addicting arcade game, and is the first game I’ve found since I was living in Japan that has actually made me want to go out of my way to visit an arcade. I highly suggest anyone living in Queensland, Australia to try to get to one of the 3 arcades that has the machines! Sadly, QLD is the only state in Australia that has these machines right now. International readers, you can check the English Animal Kaiser website to see if there is one in your area. I would love to see this game gain more of an Australian following!