Thursday, July 14, 2011

Tutorial: How to make a Japanese iTunes Account to Download 'Pokemon Ie Tap?'

UPDATE: It looks like Pokemon Ie Tap has been removed from the iTunes store! It's too bad, but you can still use this guide to create a Japanese iTunes account and download other free apps.

Today marks the release of Pokemon Ie Tap? ポケモン言えTAP?, a free smartphone app where you tap the screen to the beat of the Japanese Black & White anime's Pokerap (known as "Pokemon Ieru kana?" in Japanese). 

I went through all the trouble to write up this tutorial for VGW, only to find that my iPhone is too old to get the update that allows you to play Pokemon Ie Tap?! Rather than trashing this thing, which took me a good hour to write last night, I'm going to post it for your free-Japanese-app-downloading pleasure. Someone please download Pokemon Ie Tap? so I can live vicariously through you! Well, without further ado: 
How to Create a Japanese iTunes Account and Download Free Apps
1.     To start, open the iTunes store on your computer. Once it’s loaded, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the flag displaying your current regional settings on the right.

2.     A list of countries will appear, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the Japanese flag at the bottom left to access the Japanese store.
3.     You will now be in the Japanese iTunes store. Before creating an account, you need to select the FREE app you want. In this case, that’s ポケモン言えTAPso copy and paste that into the search bar at the top right.  
4.     Pokemon Ie Tap? should appear in the search results. Click on the “free” button to be prompted to make a Japanese iTunes account. 
5.     Click on “Create new account.” Then select “continue.” 
6.     At the top of the page it will say: “If your billing address is not in Japan, click here.” Disregard this, as you will not be entering your credit card details and do not need to provide an address.
7.     Agree to the terms and select “continue.” 

8.     Fill out your personal details and select “continue.” If you already have an iTunes account for your current region of residence, you will need to use a different email address when creating a Japanese account.
9.     For “Credit Card,” select “none.” If the “none” option doesn’t appear, that means you’ve made a mistake somewhere along the way­–you probably didn’t select Pokemon Ie Tap? in the iTunes app store. Remember, you need to have started from a free app in order for the “none” selection to appear. 

10. You’ll have to enter an address, so use your Google-fu to look up a legitimate Japanese zip code (example: 100-8994). The rest of the address can be made up, as you won’t be using it. For your phone number, you must also come up with a legitimate-looking number. One possible area code is 03 and then the following number should look like this: xxxx-xxxx. 

Note: For Phonetic First and Phonetic Last, you can just reenter your name. This is for Japanese kanji where there can be more than one potential reading for the same characters
11. Click “continue,” and if you have entered the address correctly, you will be met with a screen telling you to verify your Apple ID by checking the email address you provided at the beginning. 
12. You should have received an email from Apple. The subject will be in Japanese but will begin with the words “Apple ID.” Open the email, and click the link highlighted in the image below to verify your account. 

13. You will be directed to a page where you need to sign in using your email address and password. Click in the blue button after you have done so.
14. A green check mark with text will appear. Click the blue button to return to the iTunes store. If iTunes doesn’t open automatically, go ahead and access the store in iTunes yourself, and sign in by clicking “Sign In” at the top right corner. 

      Congratulations, you now have a Japanese iTunes account! Now you’ll need to find Pokemon Ie Tap? again to download it. Paste this: ポケモン言えTAP into the search bar one more time to find the app again. Once it comes up, all you need to do is click on it to be prompted to enter your password and start the download! Don’t stop with Pokemon–try all different types of searches to unearth some fun and quirky free Japanese apps! Enjoy!
I hope this was useful to someone, at least! Let me know what you thought in the comments, and thanks for reading. 

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Red Faction Armageddon

 Red Faction Armageddon - 2 DVD
System requirements:
OS: Windows Vista / XP / Windows 7
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo@2.0 Ghz / AMD Athlon 64 X2@2.0 Ghz
Memory: 2GB or more
Disk Space: 7.5 GB
Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c compatible
Video: 320 MB or more video card with Shader Model 3.0 support

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 - 2DVD
System Requirements
Intel Processor -  Core 2 Duo E6420 2.13GHz 
AMD Processor -  Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 5200+
Nvidia Graphics Card -  GeForce GT 220
ATI Graphics Card -  Radeon HD 4650
RAM (Memory) -  2 GB
Hard Disk Space -  7 GB
Direct X -  9

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Japan Envy: Monster Hunter Diary G Orange Juice

This may or may not turn into an ongoing thing, but I know a lot of bloggers out there have themed posts, so I'm going to try my hand with a series called "Japan Envy" to compile all the things that make me wish I was living in Japan. Otherwise this would just be a "hey look at this cute orange juice bottle" post (which it basically is, but I can get away with it now that I say I'm going to do it as a regular series).

Monster Hunter Diary G, aka Monhon Nikki Poka Poka Airuu Mori G, is an adorable Animal Crossing-esque Monster Hunter spin-off game featuring chibi versions of the game's mascot, Felyne (known as Airuu in Japanese). Now, I've never played a Monster Hunter game, nor have I played the original Monster Hunter Diary, but I am super-duper excited about Monster Hunter Diary G's August release. Seeing this gets me even more excited:

That, my friends, is Felyne orange juice. Feast your eyes on that adorable packaging! What I wouldn't give to be in Japan right now so I could drink cold orange juice out of a Felyne-adorned can. Now, I don't know anything about this brand Bireley's, but from the looks of things it appears to be regular old orange juice to me.

So, in all honesty, I could care less whether Monster Hunter Diary G is a quality game or not. I mean, I'm sure I'll get much enjoyment out of it so long as it's not horribly misguided. But regardless of gameplay, if it inspires adorable orange juice bottles and does crossovers with My Melody, well then by golly, it deserves my attention!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Japanese visual kei bands sing Disney songs for new album?

Yesterday, I was privy to some surprising, and slightly disturbing, news. For those of you who are unaware, 'visual kei' is a specific type of Japanese rock music that is characterized by the fashion the band members wear. Musically, they often sound something like a mix of glam rock, punk, and metal (thanks Wikipedia!), but more than the music itself, visual kei is defined by the flamboyant clothing, makeup, and stage personas of the members. I myself have my roots in visual kei–I appreciate the style and a number of bands that define themselves as visual kei, but I wouldn't go so far as to say I'm a huge, die-hard fan of the movement. My tastes run more along the lines of a certain band called Buck-Tick (a band that is actually credited as being one of the founders of the visual kei movement, but I digress).

Suffice it to say, when I heard that Disney was going to release an album called "V-ROCK Disney" in Japan, I was shocked. Disney songs sung by... visual kei bands? Alright, Japan, you've come up with a lot of wacky Disney crossovers that were almost universally panned when they were first announced (Kingdom Hearts, I'm looking at you), but this might be taking it a step too far. Here's a couple of images to help illustrate Disney x visual kei for you all:

 The members of this band, Nightmare, will be singing...

 ... "A Friend like Me" from Aladdin? 

Of course you can't get a proper idea of what kind of music Nightmare does from an image, so here's one of their more popular songs for your consideration:
Don't get me wrong, I actually love this song (you may recognize it as the opening theme to the anime Death Note), but when I think about them doing a cover of an Aladdin song... I don't know what to say about that. 

For anyone like myself who has a morbid curiosity in this CD, it will be released in Japan on September 7th, and shops such as CD Japan will probably stock it in the future for international buyers (it's not listed yet, however). You can also see a full track list and bands it will feature at this Tokyo Hive article

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Bikini Karate Babes 2: Warriors of Elysia

  Bikini Karate Babes 2: Warriors of Elysia - 1 DVD
System requirements:
• Windows XP/Vista/7
• DirectX 9c
• 2.6 GHz
• 1 GB RAM

Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition

 Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition - 2 DVD
System Requirements
Intel Processor -  Celeron 440 2.0GHz
AMD Processor -  Sempron 3600+
Nvidia Graphics Card -  GeForce 8600 GS
ATI Graphics Card -  Radeon X1300 256MB
RAM (Memory) -  1 GB
Hard Disk Space -  4.5 GB
Direct X -  9

Cars 2 The Video Game

Cars 2 The Video Game
System Requirements :
Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP SP3 / Windows 7 or Mac OS ® X Snow Leopard ® 10.6.7
Processor: Pentium 4 3.0 GHz, AMD Athlon 64 3500 + or Intel ® Core ™ Duo
Video Card: 3D-graphics adapter with 256 MB memory, compatible with DirectX ® 9.0, which supports Shader 3.0 (NVIDIA ® GeForce ® FX 6600, ATI Radeon X800, integrated chipset graphics cards are not supported) or 3D-graphics adapter with 128 MB ATI ® X1600 or NVIDIA ® 7300 GT
Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c compatible
Free hard drive space: 3 GB