Thursday, October 7, 2010


ASTEROIDZ - I mean :-)
Use the mouse to drag them around. Fingers crossed they'll fit well into the game without slowing up the FPS too much.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Tarta para un verdadero PADRAZO

Hola a tod@s !!!

De nuevo estamos aquí para compartir con vosotr@s una de nuestras últimas tartas personalizadas... veréis:

Son los protagonistas de esta tarta y de la bonita historia que hay detrás de ella. Javier es el papá de Miguel, este precioso bebé que se está bañando en su piscinita de verano. Javier, su papá está durmiendo. Hasta aquí todo aparenta ser una típica tarde de verano, siesta incluida.

Pero no: Javier no está haciendo su siesta de verano. Resulta que Javier, además de ser una excelente persona y ejemplar marido, es todo un PADRAZO. Quiere ocuparse de todo en la casa, incluido su bebé; necesitaría 26 horas al día para dejarlo todo acabado y en orden, además claro, de ir a trabajar, hacer la compra, preparar el baño, etc. etc. etc. Y así le ha pasado, que ha caído rendido.

Y aquí tenéis al pobre Javier, completamente destrozado a mitad de faena mientras Miguelillo, con una sonrisa de oreja a oreja, está más que feliz disfrutando de su baño diario y encantado de ver cómo la espuma se desborda por todos lados... qué divertido le parece a él! No sabemos si a Carol, su mamá, le parecerá tan divertido como a él cuando vuelva a casa, jaja

JAVIEEEEEEEEER !!! Despierta hombre, que te has quedado dormido en el suelo con todos los trastos del bebé por el jardín, y el agua se sale de la piscinaaaaaaaa!!!

En fin, esta es la historia que Carol nos propuso que contáramos con este regalo; una tarta dedicada a JAVIER en el día de su cumpleaños, que coincidió con la celebración del bautizo del bebé (qué día, qué stress, por Dios!). Y aquí tenéis el resultado, a ellos le gustó mucho, por fuera y por dentro. Ahora os toca opinar a vosotros.

En esta ocasión, Carol deleitó a sus invitados con un bizcocho Genovese bianco, relleno con dos capas: una de chocolate con leche y otra de dulce de leche. Realizado con muchísimo cariño, de manera 100% artesanal y con ingredientes de primera calidad. Nos permitió sugerirle la combinación de sabores y, según ella misma, acertamos!

Javier, FELICIDADES por tu cumpleaños, y sigue así: nos ha encantado tu manera de ser y nos gustaría que siguieras así para siempre... SI EL CUERPO AGUANTA!!


Small update to the latest shooting game I've been working on, just click on the link on the thread below. Really need to get a better codename than 'BlowUpSh*t' I know but the name makes me chuckle every time I read it. I would genuinely call the game that if I thought parents would allow their little 5yr old Johnny to play a game with such a title.
Updates include a nasty bug being fixed that was messing with the memory, and a new weapon. If you hold down the mouse button it now activates an R-type ray gun actually called the er- *R-Type* (sort of in tribute really) that can rattle the crap out of any enemies it smashes into. The gun does damage relative to the amount of time you power it up, and if fully powered, the generator blinks and you'll do maximum damage- along with doubling the magnitude of the laser.
Don't let the fact the beam goes through some enemies- I'm still collision detection tweaking so expect a fix soon.
Machine guns next.

Another demo:
This one isn't even worth posting honestly, but just so you guys can get a basic idea of how the fighting game I was working on *was* going (till I realised how much work would go into it) here it is for ye all to 'marvel' at, lol. Never fear, though for the time being I'm preoccupied with the shooter, this demo will become a fully-fledged game, hey perhaps if I'm lucky some talented artist might come along and start spriting characters for me based on the biped movements in the demo. I'd truly be motivated to get back on the coding for this one if that were to happen. Major bonus points if you can guess which game the background music was ripped from..

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Blow Sh*t Up

Little quick demo of the latest game I'm working on.
I was planning to do a beat-em up game and had been working on that for a few weeks until I began to feel it would take me forever to finish what with all the animations to draw and such. Therefore I decided to ease down off the big projects for a while hence this is what I've been piddling about with these days-

Codename:Blow Sh*t Up is what I call this puppy. It's nothing more than a standard shooter with some fancy pixel particles explosions. The demo just features a bunch of enemies floating around the screen. The particle engine is so quick I can eve n add Glow and Blur filters to it without much of a halt in the fps.

I'm using the excellent Pixel Perfect Collision Engine by Troy Gilbert. Dude has made a fine piece of code there, it works like a dream.

//Accurate pixel detection turned off (bounding box same as hitTestObject)
if (PixelPerfectCollisionDetection.isColliding(ob,characterArray[i], this,false))
//If ship has a weak point check for it first
//Accurate pixel detection turned on
Tint(characterArray[i], 0xFF0000,1);



So no 'Insanity III', boo hoo I know :-) I'd love to work on it- I truly would, but the only thing I have to say in my defence to the peeps begging me to make it a Jerry McGuire-esque 'Shooooow meee the money!' because entertaining you guys or not the financial scraps I've been making from this series are laughable, it's time for another strategy.

Love that you guys appreciated the games though.